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  • Using the following chart, write an if-else-if statement that assigns
3, Using the following chart, write an if-esle-if statement that assigns.10,.15,or.20 to commission, depending on the value in sales.

Sales Commission Rate
Up to $10,000 10%
$10,000 to $15,000 15%
Over $15,000 20%

10, Convert the following if-else-f statement into a switch statement:

if (choice == 10)
System.out.println("You selected ten.");
else if (choice == 20 || choice == 30)
System.out.println("You selected twenty or thirty.");
else if (choice == 40 || choice == 50)

System.out.println("You selected forty or thirty.");
System.out.println("Select other Please.");

12, Assume the double variable number contains the value 98765.432. Write a statement thats uses System.outprintf to display the number as 98,765.4.

14, Assume the int variable number contains the value 876543.21. Write a statement thats uses System.outprintf to display the number as 876,543.21.

16, Assume that the double variable number holds the value 56783423.4536. Write what format would you use with the DecimalFormat class to displaythe number as 56783423.5? 

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Using the following chart, write an if-else-if statement that assigns

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Tags: java, programming, if-else-if, Sales Commission Rate